WOW! One whole year in business and one full year of blogging; I can't believe it!! It has been a wild journey. I have discovered things about myself and created some of my best memories. I created A Girl In A Museum World during quarantine, and it has been the best decision ever. My analytics show me that my blog has reached thousands of people. That information feels me with much joy, but it's also a little scary. Knowing that thousands are people are looking at my work is a little nerve-wracking since I'm highly critical of myself and a MAJOR introvert.
Nevertheless, the countless emails I've received from folks telling me that they love my blog is a feeling I never want to lose. Knowing that folks are actually learning something from my content is worth it all. Those emails and messages come in handy when I doubt my mission and it’s hard to keep writing.
It's not only A Girl In A Museum World's birthday, but it's also my birthday. I turned 28 on July 4th (I know, so fitting for the history buff). Running this business has created some of the best memories my 20s has ever seen.
Wearing historical clothing in public is brave. I laughed out loud as I wrote that last sentence because I'm thinking about the time I stepped into the Harlem Renaissance era with my flapper girl attire. We decided to set the scene by visiting a pretty high-class hotel, and let's just say the looks were extremely off-putting, but by this time, I was "used" to the stares. I've become comfortable with being uncomfortable while blogging and running this business.
As I reflect over this one year of blogging like it's hot, I am very proud of sticking to my mission of dropping a new blog every Monday. Sticking to that goal has not been easy due to my busy life. If you're thinking about blogging or starting a business, the best advice I can give is to find determination outside of motivation. Eventually, motivation runs dry, and something is needed to keep the momentum going. Dedication and diligence are needed to have a successful business or blog.
As mentioned in my Leveling Up blog post, networking is important and inevitable if you desire a successful business. I've met and connected with some great people over the year. These conversations took me out of my shell and forced me to engage with folks outside the six people I talk to every day. However, I must admit a few opportunities I did not take advantage of due to nerves, overthinking, and, honestly, the lack of time. But, growth is a marathon, not a sprint. So, I'm thankful for the opportunities I did say yes to, and I promise from this point on, I will not walk away because of fear.
This has been a fantastic year in business. I created A Girl In A Museum World simply as my creative outlet and as a safe place for my Blackness, but I plan to make A Girl In A Museum World a household name. If that takes me five years or ten, it will be achieved. When I set goals, I conquer them all. Oh, that's another thing that surfaced this year. My ego was boosted, and I tooted my horn a little louder.😉
Thank you all for reading my blogs, interacting with me on Instagram, and Facebook. I am beyond grateful for the Museum Gang. Make sure you download your FREE Museum Guide To Enhance Your Museum Experience, it's my way of saying thank you!

Your support is one of the main reason why A Girl In A Museum World will keep going! Your support is endless.❤️
Happy Anniversary!
I truly have enjoyed all the great articles. Thank you for sharing all this wonderful information … I am Excited to see what your Future holds😊
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