Self-care is important, more than ever right about now. If you can take a day or even just a few hours to do what makes you happy and not things that you’re obligated to do, your body and mind will thank you.
Museums are often underfunded and often require us to pick up duties outside of job descriptions and comfort zones. In most cases, that 1% extra job duty often turns into 70-80% on top of your regular duties. No matter the department, we all strive to achieve the same mission; to serve and educate the people. I often tell my co-workers that we must not forget to serve ourselves with mental health days. Self-care is not selfish; it’s necessary! ❤️
Since my museum has opened back up to the public, my “normal routine” has changed. I am in no position to passionately complain about my discomfort or disapproval of the change. Sadly, the pandemic has affected some more than I. However, my feelings are still valid. I do this thing, where I try to disregard my feelings because things could be worse. Yes, things could be worse, but things are not up to my standards of what I consider comfortable for me as far as right now.
I have become accustomed to working the traditional 9-5 Mon-Fri, with my weekends to do as I please, but my “normal routine” has changed due to the pandemic. My self-care Sunday is now self-care-Saturday-Monday, maybe Wednesday, depending on the schedule. Whatever the day of the week is, I take it and try to thoroughly enjoy it, and I encourage you to do the same!
This past weekend, I ventured to a new part of town. It was HOT, maybe 115+...Ok, maybe not that hot, but still very hot! So, I was on the quest for something refreshing and sweet. I came across a smoothie shop called The Groove Smoothie and Juice bar, and it was a groove! As soon as I walked in, the classic sounds of old school jams filled my ears. The walls are painted a vivid green, and Classic vinyls are decorating the tables, walls and lounge area. Yes, old stuff is used to decorate this place! Plus, it’s Black-owned! I’m hooked! The owner is super sweet, and he walked me through all that’s offered. The smoothies' are named and colored coordinated after Classic songs such as Purple Rain, which is filled with all of the purple fruits we love. I was so tempted to get that one just because of the name. Who wouldn’t want to drink a smoothie called Purple Rain?
Anyways, I ordered a Sweet as Candy instead, and I couldn't help but hum Candy, by Cameo with every sip! This place is filled with good vibes, which is needed during this time. I’ll be hitting the high notes with Prince on my next visit.
It was a good Self-care Saturday, and I’m happy I listened to my body when it told me to get out of my apartment for this self-care day! Our bodies are great messengers, and if we stop and listen, we can learn the cues and signals our bodies give us to let us know when it’s time to take a chill pill. Rest and don’t burn yourself out. Believe me; I understand wanting and needing to meet personal or professional goals. At the same time, I know that time is valuable, and more realistic approaches need to be applied when conquering goals.
Pacing myself and being aware of the signals my body give have been lifesavers. I have learned that telling co-workers, friends and family No without feeling guilty is an option. It’s ok to explain that you need some YOU time, and it’s perfectly ok if you do not. You must do what is best for your mental peace, not what’s comfortable for others. Those who matter will not mind.

My Rest and Revive Tool Kit:
- Breathe Magazine. This U.K. based magazine is always a part of my self-care ritual. The articles and sources are geared towards mind, body, and soul rejuvenation.
- Chlorophyll and Black Tea. My healthy superfood drink.
- Goodreads. Although I’m not very active compared to most, this is a good way to keep track of the books I’ve read or want to read. It comes in super handy when I’m in the bookstore, and I can’t remember if I’ve already purchased the book or not.
- AppleTV. I love ending my workday or capping off the weekend with some good old reruns. At the moment, I’m loving Living Single. My AppleTV was a Christmas gift, and I’m so happy it was. I’ve been missing out. I didn’t know that watching TV could be such an experience.
- Good Music experienced with my Beats by Dr.Dre, or my record player. I love those things!
- My Kitchen! I’ve been loving the Haywood’s Place Juke Joint Comfort Food Cookbook, by Danni Rose.
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